In file relopt.h:

class RelOptEngine

Encapsulates all optimization code


Public Classes

class LogProperties
/ Logical properties of a plan.
class OptQueryEnv
This structure keeps track of _all_ plans of all query blocks
class PhysProperties
/ Physical properties of a plan.
class PlanObject
This is the superclass that can be subclassed to keep track of the plans in each query block
class PlanObjectList
This is a list of plan objects

Protected Classes

class OptStats


Encapsulates all optimization code
class PhysProperties
/ Physical properties of a plan.

class LogProperties
/ Logical properties of a plan.

class PlanObject
This is the superclass that can be subclassed to keep track of the plans in each query block

class PlanObjectList
This is a list of plan objects

class OptQueryEnv
This structure keeps track of _all_ plans of all query blocks

class OptStats

This class has no child classes.

alphabetic index hierarchy of classes

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(c)opyright by Malte Zöckler, Roland Wunderling