In file relrewrite.h:

class RelElimUnrefTargets : public RelRewriteRule

Rewrite rule that eliminates superfluous targets in SPJ and GBY nodes, that are not referenced in the parent node


Public Methods

virtual XxxErrCode ApplyRule (RelQueryNode *InNode, XxxBool &Success, RelQueryNode *&OutNode)
applying this rule to a RelQueryNode

Inherited from RelRewriteRule:


Rewrite rule that eliminates superfluous targets in SPJ and GBY nodes, that are not referenced in the parent node
virtual XxxErrCode ApplyRule(RelQueryNode *InNode, XxxBool &Success, RelQueryNode *&OutNode)
applying this rule to a RelQueryNode

This class has no child classes.

alphabetic index hierarchy of classes

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(c)opyright by Malte Zöckler, Roland Wunderling