In file types-nc.h:

class OptPlanInfo : public XxxFuncPlanInfo

Plan structure for methods of ADTs


Public Methods

virtual XxxErrCode SuspendEvaluation (XxxValueEnv* Env, FuncMethodInfo* ThisMethInfo, XxxADTValue *ReturnValue)
Creates a suspended computation encapsulating the execution of this plan


Plan structure for methods of ADTs
virtual XxxErrCode SuspendEvaluation(XxxValueEnv* Env, FuncMethodInfo* ThisMethInfo, XxxADTValue *ReturnValue)
Creates a suspended computation encapsulating the execution of this plan. The suspended computation can be stored and later executed.

This class has no child classes.

alphabetic index hierarchy of classes

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(c)opyright by Malte Zöckler, Roland Wunderling