If you have trouble installing IND on Sun you have to: 

  1. Download the IND package with SUN binaries from here.
  2. Uncompress the file cs578.hw1.sunos.tar.gz by executing "gzip -d  cs578.hw1.sunos.tar.gz".
  3. Uncompress the file ind.sunos.tar by executing "tar -xvf  ind.sunos.tar". Don't run "install.script".
  4. Set the PATH and MANPATH variables following the instructions from cs578.hw1/README.setenv
  5. Go to cs578.hw1/ind/IND/Data/thyroid/ and execute "inddemo hypo 100 c4 1 | more".
  6. If you get the error : "inddemo:Command not found" then go to cs578.hw1/bin and edit the first line of inddemo to the proper path of tcsh on your machine (on hoho the path is /usr/local/bin/tcsh).
  7. Go to cs578.hw1/ind/IND/Data/thyroid/ and try again to execute "inddemo hypo 100 c4 1 | more".
  8. If it doesn't work contact me .