CS 5150
Software Engineering
Fall 2009

Project Suggestion:
Cornell University Library iPhone App




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Developing the Cornell University Library iPhone App


Tony Cosgrave, Cornell University Library
email: ajc5@cornell.edu
phone: 607-255-7148

Contact for this project

There are two iPhone development projects listed on the project page. Alex Bodkin and Kenneth Bongort are collecting contact information for students interested in either project. Once they know how many people are interested, they can determine which project to work on, or whether to split into two teams and address both projects. The plan is to have a team formed by the end of the week.

If you are interested in either the Pet Nutrition or Library iPhone applications you should contact Kenneth Bongort (kjb79@cornell.edu; 516-669-1491).


The client serves on the Library Outside the Library group which looks at ways to bring the Cornell Library, its services, and resources to users in non-library virtual spaces.

He describes the project as follows:

"You will help the Cornell University Library go places by developing an iPhone application that would provide quick and easy access to subscription resources that are not available freely on the world wide web. If a student finds an article on Google Scholar for example and wants to read it on an iphone, you will help make resources such as the ScienceDirect, EBSCO, Lexis/Nexis, Oxford English Dictionary and Encyclopedia Britannica accessible through the iPhone. To do this right, the application will need to provide an appropriate authentication mechanism that balances ease of use, and security, since the iPhone may not be on a Cornell network. There is scope for your original ideas and suggestions about what kind of library information should be accessible to students - Blackboard, Moodle, maps, locations, contact information, pictures. You name it. You develop it."

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William Y. Arms
Last changed: September 2009