CS 5150
Software Engineering
Fall 2009

Project Suggestion:
Field of Mars




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Academic Integrity

About this site


Field of Mars social networking site


Jonathan Schaffer, MBA2010 at the Johnson School, jcs426@cornell.edu
Aleda Schaffer, MBA2010 at the Johnson School, als385@cornell.edu


The Field of Mars is the ancient Roman training ground for warriors and athletes. The goal of The Field of Mars Project is to create a social networking and e-commerce system that will enable athletes and fitness minded individuals to track both their own and their teams relevant training data and purchase the needed metric informed services and products to achieve their training goals. The clients have broken the entire project into a number of initial release phases.

The goals of the phases are:

  • Produce a product that can be shown to investors and will meet at least the basic requirements for a Beta launch.
  • Determine which aspects of which of the following phases are appropriate for the initial development.
  • Phase One: Create Initial Social Networking Site for Athletes, Spectators, Institutions and their Coaches; Providing Them with the Tools Needed to Track and Enhance Their Fitness Goals.
  •  Phase Two: Allow Athletes and Institutional Coaches to Register for Hosted Events; Create Sponsor Accounts with Product Offerings, and allow all Purchasing Parties to record metrics related to the Product.
  • Phase Three: Add Trainer and Nutritionists Accounts and Allow for the Purchase, Ranking, and Searching of their Services.

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Last changed: August 2009