CS 5150
Software Engineering
Fall 2009

Project Suggestion:
FSAE Race Team




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Controller area network for FSAE race car


Cangming Liu, FSAE Race Team,

[Note: The client was a student in CS 5150 last year.]


The Cornell FSAE race team is a student engineering project team that designs, manufactures, and tests a formula-style race car. There are several micro controllers on-board the vehicle, and they are connected by a Controller Area Network (CAN). The CAN protocol is designed by the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) and is used on most of the commercial vehicles today.

The project is to design and implement an RPC protocol over the CAN protocol. The final product should take a header file (written in C), along with other specifications, and generate client and server side code/code stubs, such that function calls across the CAN to other micro controllers can be made transparently.

As the CAN network is relatively slow and computing power on the micro controllers is scarce, performance is the top design priority. The project is also expected to be maintainable, as components of the car are constantly changing.

Although the generated code must be in C, the project itself needs not (and probably should not) be. Any of Python, Java, or C++ would be fine.

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Last changed: September 2009