CS 5150
Software Engineering
Fall 2009

Project Suggestion:
Aerobic Exercise Monitor




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Aerobic Exercise Monitor


John Belina, Electrical and Computer Engineering


This project is part of an ongoing development effort to design and implement an effective aerobic exercise monitor. Specifically this component deals with monitoring physical activity and providing the user with on-going visualization capabilities. For this project we will assume that the exercise is jogging or walking.

The portable component of the system is to be comprised of a commercially-available PDA (HP iPAQ) that will acquire the relevant data via sensors worn by the user. Data inputs will include samples from respiration rate sensors and heart rate sensors. A PDA GUI must be designed to assist the user with the wearable device setup: sensor connection verification and data-logging parameter configuration, e.g. sampling interval.  Additionally, the PDA software should provide audio feedback to the user when certain target parameters, such as heart-rate, are met or not met during actual operation.

Data acquired during exercise must be transmitted from the PDA to a base-station desktop or laptop PC when the portable unit is connected to a ‘charging and communications station’. The communications protocol should be some version of USB.  For this phase of the project, data logging features should be first simulated and the protocols tested using realistic data files provided, with the actual communications protocol and hardware later in the semester.

The PC software must present to the user both long-term and short-term data visualization and perform basic trend analysis across the full history set of stored data. An intuitive GUI needs to be designed to allow users quick access to performance trends across a variety of time epochs.

Tasks include:

  • PDA application software and GUI development. Will be completed on HP iPAQ under Windows Mobile using test data files to substitute for the sensor data.
  • USB communications link to transfer data files between the portable system and the PC.  Data synchronization between the two systems must also be accomplished.
  • PC GUI development to incorporate trend analysis and visualization and track user progress toward conditioning goals.

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Last changed: September 2009