CS 502
Architecture of Web Information Systems
Spring 2003

Carl Lagoze

Mon-Wed 1:25-2:15
Mon 7:30-8:30 (section)
3 credit hours


This course examines the tools and techniques for building and managing distributed information systems within the context of the World Wide Web. Throughout the semester we will examine the technical, economic, legal, and social issues in establishing higher levels of organization and management on Web resources.   The topics examined are areas of active research in the computer science, Web, and information science communities, underlying efforts to create a new generation of digital libraries.  Current work on the NSF-funded National Science Digital Library (http://www.nsdl.org) will motivate many of the investigations during the semester.

The major themes of the course are:

Course work will include both traditional project-based assignments to build expertise with basic toolsets and techniques, and critical review of readings that cover a range of contextual areas.

Carl Lagoze (lagoze@cs.cornell.edu
Last changed: 03/04/2003