CS486             Applied Logic                Assignment 3              Due  Thursday, Feb 22, 2001



Reading:         Please read Smullyan, Chapter III:

p. 1-36 by Tuesday, Feb 20

p. 36-40 by Thursday Feb 22





1.      Produce a completely systematic tableau proof of these formulas and for (i) show that the tableau is an example of a Labeled Tableau Tree satisfying the conditions to be a tableau proof.

(i)((p É q) É p) É p          (Pierce’s Law)

(ii)((p Ú q) É r) É (p É r)


2.      Write a programming language data type for an analytic tableau according to our in-class translation of Smullyan’s definition on p. 24.


3.      Show that any finished tableau (all lines used) must be complete (according to Smullyan p. 26).


4.      Solve Smullyan exercise 3, p. 30.


5.      Optional.  Prove the theorem at the top of p. 29 about finite sets S of formulas being unsatisfiable.