Spin locks

Solution to the milk problem

The following solution is safe, live and fair. Note that it can be generalized to multiple threads, but it is not obvious how to do so.

a correct solution
Shared state:
has_milk  = False
working_1 = False
working_2 = False
turn      = 0
Thread one code:
 1: working_1 = True
 2: turn = 2
 3: while working_2 and turn == 2:
 4:   do nothing
 5: if not has_milk:
 6:   buy milk
 7:   has_milk = True
 8: working_1 = False
Thread two code: (symmetric)
11: working_2 = True
12: turn = 1
13: while working_1 and turn == 1:
14:   do nothing
15: if not has_milk:
16:   buy milk
17:   has_milk = True
18: working_2 = False

The idea behind this code is that neither can take control from the other, they can only yield control to the other.

This code is safe, live, and fair, although the argument is rather complicated:

Spin locks

Although this solution is correct, it is difficult to write, and even harder to reason about. This is inherently harder than writing sequential code, because instead of considering a single path of execution, there are an exponential number of paths to consider (exponential in the length of the code: roughly speaking, for each instruction, either of the two threads could execute next, so there are 2^length possible sequences of operations).

A small amount of hardware support can help considerably. By atomically reading and writing an address in memory (without any other processor changing the state in between), we can write fairly simple locking code:

We discussed two common hardware primitives for this task:

Test and Set

The test_and_set instruction (TAS) sets the contents of a given address to one, and returns the previous value. It can be used to implement a critical section by ensuring that the contents of the address are 1 if and only if a thread is executing within the critical section:
critical section with test and set
Shared state:
  lock = False
Thread one code:
1: while test_and_set(lock):
2:   do nothing
3: # critical section
4: lock = False
Thread two code: (same)
5: while test_and_set(lock):
6:   do nothing
7: # critical section
8: lock = False

If a thread starts executing this code, the state of the lock will be false. The test_and_set instruction will simultaneously set the lock to true and return the value false. Since it returns false, the while loop does not execute, and the thread enters the critical section.

If another thread tries to enter the critical section, the lock will be set to true, so test_and_set will still set the lock to True, but will return True as well (since it was True before the TAS). The second thread will continue to execute the while loop until the first thread executes line 4. After that, the second thread's subsequent call will return False, allowing it to enter the critical section.

The process of continually monitoring a variable to wait for it to change is referred to as spinning; locks that are implemented using atomic operations are called spin locks.


The compare and swap instruction (CAS) is similar to, but more complicated than, the test_and_set instruction. The CAS instruction takes three parameters: a location, an "expected value" for that location, and a new value for the location.

It checks that the contents of the location match the expected value. If so, it replaces them with the new value, but if not it has no effect. In any case, the previous value of the variable is returned.

This can be used to implement a more sophisticated spin lock that stores the thread identifier in the lock (instead of just true or false). The following code ensures that at most one thread can be in the critical section, and if there is a thread in the critical section, then the value of the lock variable is the thread's identifier (or 0 if there is no thread in the CS):

critical section with compare and swap
Shared state:
  owner = 0
Thread one code:
1: while compare_and_swap(owner, 0, thread 1):
2:   do nothing
3: # critical section
4: # invariant: owner == 1
5: owner = 0
Thread two code: (symmetric)
5: while compare_and_swap(owner, 0, thread 2):
6:   do nothing
7: # critical section
8: # invariant: owner == 2
9: owner = 0

Using CAS for optimistic data structures

CAS's are nice because they can be used to implement optimistic transactional data structures. The idea behind an optimistic data structure is that all updates are performed on a copy of the data structure; when the operations are finished, a compare and swap is used to replace the data structure in one fell swoop. For example, we may want to write code for a concurrent balanced binary search tree. Operations that modify the tree (such as insertion and balancing) will create a new tree and update the root pointer.

optimistic concurrency with compare and swap
Shared state:
  root = pointer to the root of the tree
Insert code:
  old_root = root
  new_root = new Tree
  # copy old_root into new_root
  # do insertion into new_root
until compare_and_swap (root, old_root, new_root) == old_root
Balance code:
  old_root = root
  new_root = balanced_copy_of (old_root)
until compare_and_swap (root, old_root, new_root) == old_root

If an insertion is performed while a balance is in progress, then it will update the root to point to its new root. When the balancing thread completes, the compare_and_swap will fail, because the root will point to the new root that the insertion produced and not the original root pointer. The loop will then be repeated, and the new tree will be balanced instead.

Similarly, if the balance finishes before the insertion, then the CAS in the insertion code will fail (again, because root points to a different node than old_root), and the insertion will be retried on the new (balanced) root.