Assignment 2 (due Sunday, 30 July, 10 pm)

            This assignment has two parts.  In the first part, you will use the JAVA monitor to implement a semaphore.  In the second part, you will implement a centralized semaphore server which will help you use this semaphore for inter process communication.  In this assignment, you will learn about inter process communication primitives such as monitors, and semaphores and about client-server programming using sockets.  This assignment can be done either individually or in groups of two. Assignments submitted with more than two group members will not be accepted.  You can stick with the same group members or change your group.  This assignment will be done in JAVA.  As this assignment will form a part of later assignments, we urge you not to delete this assignment after submitting it.


What to do?

Part I:

            In this part of the assignment, you will use JAVA monitor to implement semaphores.  More specifically, you will define a class called Semaphore.  This class will have the following interface.


You may need to use the synchronized  primitive and wait (), notify (), and notifyAll () methods of  JAVA.  For a tutorial on how to use these, see online java tutorial .


Part II:

            In this part of the assignment, you will use JAVA sockets to implement a client-server semaphore system.  This client-server system will help us implement a distributed semaphore system, i.e., independent programs running on different machines (in the same LAN) will be able to use this distributed semaphore system to do inter process communication.  For this assignment, each semaphore will have a global identifier called semaphoreid, which will be a value of type int.  You may need to define two classes to implement this system.


The SemaphoreServer is a free standing JAVA program, which keeps waiting for requests from the clients.  The requests to the server will be semaphore operations.  In particular, the server must handle the following kinds of semaphore operations.


Remember that handling an Enter request might make the server block until an Exit request is handled.  To avoid this problem, the server must spawn a new thread each time it wants to handle a request.

In order to do the communication, the server will have to open a datagram socket specifying a port number and keep listening to it in an infinite loop.  See data grams and sockets for examples on how to do this.  


The DistributedSemaphore is a class whose instances will be used by the clients (applications) that need to use distributed semaphores.  This class will provide the following interface.


Remember that in all the above methods, the distributed semaphore object simply sends a request to the server and waits for the reply and returns the status as in the reply.  Thus this class is simply a wrapper that hides all the communication details from the user.  Using datagram sockets to connect to the already implemented server, you should be able to use the distributed semaphores in programs running on different machines, while the server runs on a specific machine whose address and port number is fixed a priori.

How to test the system?

            In order to test this distributed semaphore system, you will implement a solution of the dining philosopher’s problem using distributed semaphores.  Each philosopher will be an independent JAVA program.  These programs will run on same or different machines, each invoked separately.  They will use instances of the DistributedSemaphore object in order to synchronize themselves.  

What to submit?

            You should submit the following things as a part of this assignment.

1.        The Java programs used to implement the different aspects of this assignment.

2.        A file called README.txt where you give a tutorial on how to compile and run your programs.  This file should also contain the names, netids and cornellids of all the individuals in the group.


How will you be graded?

      The following will play a crucial role in your grades for this assignment.

1.        Correctness of the JAVA programs written to implement distributed semaphores.

2.        Robustness of the JAVA programs written.

3.        Clarity of the JAVA programs (comments!!!).

4.        Ease of using the README to test your programs and results.