Topics Topics: in principle everything is included, up to, and including the lecture on Thursday, 02/06, and Project 2. As stated repeatedly, the comments posted on the newsgroup and/or course web site are an integral part of the course material. 1. Arithmetic 1.1. Simple operators: +, -, *, /, ^, rem. 1.2. Precedence and associativity. 1.3. Elementwise operators on vectors. 2. Vectors 2.1. Creation ... 2.1.1. From scalars; 2.1.2. By concatenation; 2.1.3. By using the $zeroes$ and $ones$ functions; 2.1.4. By using the colon (:) operator; 2.1.5. By assignment. 2.2. Access to array elements by indexing. 2.3. Assignment to vector elements and vectors. 2.4. Strings as arrays of characters. 3. Structs 3.1. Creation ... 3.1.1. By assignment to individual fields; 3.1.2. By using the $struct$ statement. 3.2. Assignments to structs. 4. Tracing 4.1. Tabular method. 4.2. Box scope method. 5. For loops 5.1. Accumulation. 6. Conditionals 7. Random numbers (rand) 8. Rounding 8.1. $Floor$ function. 8.2. $Ceil$ function. ================================================== We will provide you with a cheat sheet with the name and parameters of functions you might find useful during the exam. We will not, however, provide you with explanations on *what* the functions do. In other words: if you know what you are looking for, but you don't know the details (e.g. number and/or order of parameters), we will help. Otherwise, you are on your own. The following is the list of functions you can expect to have on your cheat sheet: 1. length 2. max, min 3. diff 4. sum, cumsum 5. prod, cumprod 6. zeros, ones 7. sort 8. fliplr, flipud 9. rand 10. floor, ceil