CS5430 Project: Phase V Deliverable (Spring 2013)

Sign-up. Decide where (CSUG or MEng Lab) you want to conduct your final presentation and when. Then, schedule a Presentation/Demo meeting slot for the week of April 29. Use the "Project Phase V Demo Slots" assignment on CMS to schedule your demo.

The sign-up sheet is now available.
Your group must sign-up before April 26, at 4pm.

Preparing for the Presentation/Demo Meeting. The Presentation/Demo meeting encompasses 30 minutes, and it will be structured as follows.

What to Submit (and When). Prior to April 28 at 11:59pm you should submit to CMS:

TEAM.txt which contains the names (and net-ids) for all team members. Also, for each team member give a 1 or 2 paragraph description of the tasks this team member performed and the number of hours this required.

README.txt which contains the names and a description of the contents for the other files in the directory.

Source files that contain the source needed to compile and run your software. This should include any scaffolding used in the Demo you will give. We will look over excerpts of your code to see whether your project is based on clean design and was implemented using good software engineering practices (including secure coding practices). Projects containing code vulnerabilities will be severely penalized.

FUNCTIONALITY.txt, which should discuss the interface that your system implements. What operations does it export? What is the effect of each operation?

ASSURANCE.txt, which describes how and what you tested in the software being submitted. Also describe here any other means you used to increase assurance in correctness of the system and the absence of vulnerabilities.

PRESENTATION.pptx, which is a power-point file that you will use to make your presentation at the review.

Grading. The group's grade for this phase will be based on the following.